Dutch Bird Alerts

WP incl Cape Verde, UAE, Oman and Iran (excl cat. C & intros and excl 3 HO) van
Remco Hofland
786 soorten



eenden  ·  Anatidae

1. White-headed Duck  ·  Witkopeend  ·  Oxyura leucocephala
2. Mute Swan  ·  Knobbelzwaan  ·  Cygnus olor
3. Bewick's Swan  ·  Kleine Zwaan  ·  Cygnus bewickii
4. Whooper Swan  ·  Wilde Zwaan  ·  Cygnus cygnus
5. Pale-bellied Brent Goose  ·  Witbuikrotgans  ·  Branta hrota
6. Dark-bellied Brent Goose  ·  Rotgans  ·  Branta bernicla
7. Black Brant  ·  Zwarte Rotgans  ·  Branta nigricans
8. Red-breasted Goose  ·  Roodhalsgans  ·  Branta ruficollis
9. Barnacle Goose  ·  Brandgans  ·  Branta leucopsis
10. Cackling Goose  ·  Kleine Canadese Gans  ·  Branta hutchinsii
11. Richardson's Cackling Goose  ·  Kleine Canadese Gans  ·  Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii ㅤ
12. Snow Goose  ·  Sneeuwgans  ·  Anser caerulescens
13. Ross's Goose  ·  Ross' Gans  ·  Anser rossii
14. Greylag Goose  ·  Grauwe Gans  ·  Anser anser
15. Taiga Bean Goose  ·  Taigarietgans  ·  Anser fabalis
16. Tundra Bean Goose  ·  Toendrarietgans  ·  Anser serrirostris
17. Pink-footed Goose  ·  Kleine Rietgans  ·  Anser brachyrhynchus
18. Greater White-fronted Goose  ·  Kolgans  ·  Anser albifrons
19. Lesser White-fronted Goose  ·  Dwerggans  ·  Anser erythropus
20. Long-tailed Duck  ·  IJseend  ·  Clangula hyemalis
21. King Eider  ·  Koningseider  ·  Somateria spectabilis
22. Common Eider  ·  Eider  ·  Somateria mollissima
23. Steller's Eider  ·  Stellers Eider  ·  Polysticta stelleri
24. Surf Scoter  ·  Brilzee-eend  ·  Melanitta perspicillata
25. Velvet Scoter  ·  Grote Zee-eend  ·  Melanitta fusca
26. Common Scoter  ·  Zwarte Zee-eend  ·  Melanitta nigra
27. Black Scoter  ·  Amerikaanse Zee-eend  ·  Melanitta americana
28. Bufflehead  ·  Buffelkopeend  ·  Bucephala albeola
29. Common Goldeneye  ·  Brilduiker  ·  Bucephala clangula
30. Smew  ·  Nonnetje  ·  Mergellus albellus
31. Hooded Merganser  ·  Kokardezaagbek  ·  Lophodytes cucullatus
32. Goosander  ·  Grote Zaagbek  ·  Mergus merganser
33. Red-breasted Merganser  ·  Middelste Zaagbek  ·  Mergus serrator
34. Harlequin Duck  ·  Harlekijneend  ·  Histrionicus histrionicus
35. Egyptian Goose  ·  Nijlgans  ·  Alopochen aegyptiaca
36. Common Shelduck  ·  Bergeend  ·  Tadorna tadorna
37. Ruddy Shelduck  ·  Casarca  ·  Tadorna ferruginea
38. Marbled Duck  ·  Marmereend  ·  Marmaronetta angustirostris
39. Red-crested Pochard  ·  Krooneend  ·  Netta rufina
40. Canvasback  ·  Grote Tafeleend  ·  Aythya valisineria
41. Common Pochard  ·  Tafeleend  ·  Aythya ferina
42. Redhead  ·  Amerikaanse Tafeleend  ·  Aythya americana
43. Ferruginous Duck  ·  Witoogeend  ·  Aythya nyroca
44. Ring-necked Duck  ·  Ringsnaveleend  ·  Aythya collaris
45. Tufted Duck  ·  Kuifeend  ·  Aythya fuligula
46. Greater Scaup  ·  Topper  ·  Aythya marila
47. Lesser Scaup  ·  Kleine Topper  ·  Aythya affinis
48. Garganey  ·  Zomertaling  ·  Spatula querquedula
49. Northern Shoveler  ·  Slobeend  ·  Spatula clypeata
50. Blue-winged Teal  ·  Blauwvleugeltaling  ·  Spatula discors
51. Baikal Teal  ·  Siberische Taling  ·  Sibirionetta formosa
52. Falcated Duck  ·  Bronskopeend  ·  Mareca falcata
53. Gadwall  ·  Krakeend  ·  Mareca strepera
54. Eurasian Wigeon  ·  Smient  ·  Mareca penelope
55. American Wigeon  ·  Amerikaanse Smient  ·  Mareca americana
56. Mallard  ·  Wilde Eend  ·  Anas platyrhynchos
57. Northern Pintail  ·  Pijlstaart  ·  Anas acuta
58. Eurasian Teal  ·  Wintertaling  ·  Anas crecca
59. Green-winged Teal  ·  Amerikaanse Wintertaling  ·  Anas carolinensis
60. Cotton Pygmy Goose  ·  Coromandeleend  ·  Nettapus coromandelianus


hoenders  ·  Phasianidae

61. Common Quail  ·  Kwartel  ·  Coturnix coturnix
62. Rock Partridge  ·  Steenpatrijs  ·  Alectoris graeca
63. Chukar Partridge  ·  Aziatische Steenpatrijs  ·  Alectoris chukar
64. Barbary Partridge  ·  Barbarijse Patrijs  ·  Alectoris barbara
65. Red-legged Partridge  ·  Rode Patrijs  ·  Alectoris rufa
66. Arabian Partridge  ·  Arabische Steenpatrijs  ·  Alectoris melanocephala
67. See-see Partridge  ·  Perzische Woestijnpatrijs  ·  Ammoperdix griseogularis
68. Sand Partridge  ·  Arabische Woestijnpatrijs  ·  Ammoperdix heyi
69. Black Francolin  ·  Zwarte Frankolijn  ·  Francolinus francolinus
70. Grey Francolin  ·  Grijze Frankolijn  ·  Francolinus pondicerianus
71. Hazel Grouse  ·  Hazelhoen  ·  Tetrastes bonasia
72. Willow Ptarmigan  ·  Moerassneeuwhoen  ·  Lagopus lagopus
73. Red Grouse  ·  Schots Sneeuwhoen  ·  Lagopus scotica
74. Rock Ptarmigan  ·  Alpensneeuwhoen  ·  Lagopus muta
75. Black Grouse  ·  Korhoen  ·  Tetrao tetrix
76. Western Capercaillie  ·  Auerhoen  ·  Tetrao urogallus
77. Grey Partridge  ·  Patrijs  ·  Perdix perdix


flamingo's  ·  Phoenicopteridae

78. Greater Flamingo  ·  Flamingo  ·  Phoenicopterus roseus
79. Lesser Flamingo  ·  Kleine Flamingo  ·  Phoeniconaias minor


futen  ·  Podicipedidae

80. Pied-billed Grebe  ·  Dikbekfuut  ·  Podilymbus podiceps
81. Little Grebe  ·  Dodaars  ·  Tachybaptus ruficollis
82. Red-necked Grebe  ·  Roodhalsfuut  ·  Podiceps grisegena
83. Great Crested Grebe  ·  Fuut  ·  Podiceps cristatus
84. Horned Grebe  ·  Kuifduiker  ·  Podiceps auritus
85. Black-necked Grebe  ·  Geoorde Fuut  ·  Podiceps nigricollis


duiven  ·  Columbidae

86. Rock Dove  ·  Rotsduif  ·  Columba livia
87. Stock Dove  ·  Holenduif  ·  Columba oenas
88. Common Wood Pigeon  ·  Houtduif  ·  Columba palumbus
89. Trocaz Pigeon  ·  Trocazduif  ·  Columba trocaz
90. Bolle's Pigeon  ·  Bolles Laurierduif  ·  Columba bollii
91. Laurel Pigeon  ·  Laurierduif  ·  Columba junoniae
92. European Turtle Dove  ·  Zomertortel  ·  Streptopelia turtur
93. Oriental Turtle Dove  ·  Oosterse Tortel  ·  Streptopelia orientalis
94. Eurasian Collared Dove  ·  Turkse Tortel  ·  Streptopelia decaocto
95. African Collared Dove  ·  Izabeltortel  ·  Streptopelia risoria
96. Laughing Dove  ·  Palmtortel  ·  Streptopelia senegalensis
97. Bruce's Green Pigeon  ·  Waaliaduif  ·  Treron waalia
98. Namaqua Dove  ·  Maskerduif  ·  Oena capensis


zandhoenders  ·  Pteroclidae

99. Pin-tailed Sandgrouse  ·  Witbuikzandhoen  ·  Pterocles alchata
100. Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse  ·  Roodbuikzandhoen  ·  Pterocles exustus
101. Spotted Sandgrouse  ·  Sahelzandhoen  ·  Pterocles senegallus
102. Black-bellied Sandgrouse  ·  Zwartbuikzandhoen  ·  Pterocles orientalis
103. Crowned Sandgrouse  ·  Kroonzandhoen  ·  Pterocles coronatus
104. Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse  ·  Lichtensteins Zandhoen  ·  Pterocles lichtensteinii


keerkringvogels  ·  Phaethontidae

105. Red-billed Tropicbird  ·  Roodsnavelkeerkringvogel  ·  Phaethon aethereus


nachtzwaluwen  ·  Caprimulgidae

106. Red-necked Nightjar  ·  Moorse Nachtzwaluw  ·  Caprimulgus ruficollis
107. European Nightjar  ·  Nachtzwaluw  ·  Caprimulgus europaeus
108. Egyptian Nightjar  ·  Egyptische Nachtzwaluw  ·  Caprimulgus aegyptius
109. Nubian Nightjar  ·  Nubische Nachtzwaluw  ·  Caprimulgus nubicus


gierzwaluwen  ·  Apodidae

110. Alpine Swift  ·  Alpengierzwaluw  ·  Tachymarptis melba
111. Little Swift  ·  Huisgierzwaluw  ·  Apus affinis
112. Plain Swift  ·  Madeiragierzwaluw  ·  Apus unicolor
113. Cape Verde Swift  ·  Kaapverdische Gierzwaluw  ·  Apus alexandri
114. Pallid Swift  ·  Vale Gierzwaluw  ·  Apus pallidus
115. Common Swift  ·  Gierzwaluw  ·  Apus apus


koekoeken  ·  Cuculidae

116. Great Spotted Cuckoo  ·  Kuifkoekoek  ·  Clamator glandarius
117. Yellow-billed Cuckoo  ·  Geelsnavelkoekoek  ·  Coccyzus americanus
118. Common Cuckoo  ·  Koekoek  ·  Cuculus canorus


rallen  ·  Rallidae

119. Water Rail  ·  Waterral  ·  Rallus aquaticus
120. Corn Crake  ·  Kwartelkoning  ·  Crex crex
121. Sora  ·  Soraral  ·  Porzana carolina
122. Spotted Crake  ·  Porseleinhoen  ·  Porzana porzana
123. Little Crake  ·  Klein Waterhoen  ·  Zapornia parva
124. Baillon's Crake  ·  Kleinst Waterhoen  ·  Zapornia pusilla
125. White-breasted Waterhen  ·  Witborstwaterhoen  ·  Amaurornis phoenicurus
126. Western Swamphen  ·  Purperkoet  ·  Porphyrio porphyrio
127. African Swamphen  ·  Smaragdpurperkoet  ·  Porphyrio madagascariensis
128. Grey-headed Swamphen  ·  Grijskoppurperkoet  ·  Porphyrio poliocephalus
129. Common Moorhen  ·  Waterhoen  ·  Gallinula chloropus
130. Red-knobbed Coot  ·  Knobbelmeerkoet  ·  Fulica cristata
131. Eurasian Coot  ·  Meerkoet  ·  Fulica atra

kraanvogels  ·  Gruidae

132. Common Crane  ·  Kraanvogel  ·  Grus grus


trappen  ·  Otididae

133. Little Bustard  ·  Kleine Trap  ·  Tetrax tetrax
134. Great Bustard  ·  Grote Trap  ·  Otis tarda
135. Houbara Bustard  ·  Westelijke Kraagtrap  ·  Chlamydotis undulata
136. Macqueen's Bustard  ·  Oostelijke Kraagtrap  ·  Chlamydotis macqueenii


duikers  ·  Gaviidae

137. Red-throated Loon  ·  Roodkeelduiker  ·  Gavia stellata
138. Black-throated Loon  ·  Parelduiker  ·  Gavia arctica
139. Common Loon  ·  IJsduiker  ·  Gavia immer
140. Yellow-billed Loon  ·  Geelsnavelduiker  ·  Gavia adamsii


zuidelijke stormvogeltjes  ·  Oceanitidae

141. Wilson's Storm Petrel  ·  Wilsons Stormvogeltje  ·  Oceanites oceanicus
142. White-faced Storm Petrel  ·  Bont Stormvogeltje  ·  Pelagodroma marina

noordelijke stormvogeltjes  ·  Hydrobatidae

143. British Storm Petrel  ·  Stormvogeltje  ·  Hydrobates pelagicus
144. Cape Verde Storm Petrel  ·  Kaapverdisch Stormvogeltje  ·  Hydrobates jabejabe
145. Madeiran Storm Petrel  ·  Madeirastormvogeltje  ·  Hydrobates castro
146. Leach's Storm Petrel  ·  Vaal Stormvogeltje  ·  Hydrobates leucorhous

stormvogels  ·  Procellariidae

147. Northern Fulmar  ·  Noordse Stormvogel  ·  Fulmarus glacialis
148. Desertas Petrel  ·  Desertastormvogel  ·  Pterodroma deserta
149. Fea's Petrel  ·  Gon-gon  ·  Pterodroma feae
150. Zino's Petrel  ·  Freira  ·  Pterodroma madeira
151. Scopoli's Shearwater  ·  Scopoli's Pijlstormvogel  ·  Calonectris diomedea
152. Cory's Shearwater  ·  Kuhls Pijlstormvogel  ·  Calonectris borealis
153. Cape Verde Shearwater  ·  Kaapverdische Pijlstormvogel  ·  Calonectris edwardsii
154. Sooty Shearwater  ·  Grauwe Pijlstormvogel  ·  Ardenna grisea
155. Great Shearwater  ·  Grote Pijlstormvogel  ·  Ardenna gravis
156. Persian Shearwater  ·  Perzische Kleine Pijlstormvogel  ·  Puffinus persicus
157. Manx Shearwater  ·  Noordse Pijlstormvogel  ·  Puffinus puffinus
158. Balearic Shearwater  ·  Vale Pijlstormvogel  ·  Puffinus mauretanicus
159. Yelkouan Shearwater  ·  Yelkouanpijlstormvogel  ·  Puffinus yelkouan
160. Barolo Shearwater  ·  Kleine Pijlstormvogel  ·  Puffinus baroli
161. Boyd's Shearwater  ·  Kaapverdische Kleine Pijlstormvogel  ·  Puffinus boydi
162. Bulwer's Petrel  ·  Bulwers Stormvogel  ·  Bulweria bulwerii
163. Jouanin's Petrel  ·  Jouanins Stormvogel  ·  Bulweria fallax


ooievaars  ·  Ciconiidae

164. Black Stork  ·  Zwarte Ooievaar  ·  Ciconia nigra
165. Abdim's Stork  ·  Abdims Ooievaar  ·  Ciconia abdimii
166. White Stork  ·  Ooievaar  ·  Ciconia ciconia


pelikanen  ·  Pelecanidae

167. Great White Pelican  ·  Roze Pelikaan  ·  Pelecanus onocrotalus
168. Dalmatian Pelican  ·  Kroeskoppelikaan  ·  Pelecanus crispus

reigers  ·  Ardeidae

169. Eurasian Bittern  ·  Roerdomp  ·  Botaurus stellaris
170. Little Bittern  ·  Woudaap  ·  Ixobrychus minutus
171. Yellow Bittern  ·  Chinese Woudaap  ·  Ixobrychus sinensis
172. Black-crowned Night Heron  ·  Kwak  ·  Nycticorax nycticorax
173. Green Heron  ·  Groene Reiger  ·  Butorides virescens
174. Striated Heron  ·  Mangrovereiger  ·  Butorides striata
175. Squacco Heron  ·  Ralreiger  ·  Ardeola ralloides
176. Indian Pond Heron  ·  Indische Ralreiger  ·  Ardeola grayii
177. Cattle Egret  ·  Koereiger  ·  Bubulcus ibis
178. Grey Heron  ·  Blauwe Reiger  ·  Ardea cinerea
179. Great Blue Heron  ·  Amerikaanse Blauwe Reiger  ·  Ardea herodias
180. Purple Heron  ·  Purperreiger  ·  Ardea purpurea
181. Bourne's Heron  ·  Kaapverdische Purperreiger  ·  Ardea bournei
182. Western Great Egret  ·  Grote Zilverreiger  ·  Ardea alba
183. Intermediate Egret  ·  Middelste Zilverreiger  ·  Ardea intermedia
184. Black Heron  ·  Zwarte Reiger  ·  Egretta ardesiaca
185. Little Egret  ·  Kleine Zilverreiger  ·  Egretta garzetta
186. Reef Heron  ·  Rifreiger  ·  Egretta gularis

ibissen  ·  Threskiornithidae

187. African Spoonbill  ·  Afrikaanse Lepelaar  ·  Platalea alba
188. Eurasian Spoonbill  ·  Lepelaar  ·  Platalea leucorodia
189. Northern Bald Ibis  ·  Heremietibis  ·  Geronticus eremita
190. Glossy Ibis  ·  Zwarte Ibis  ·  Plegadis falcinellus


jan-van-genten  ·  Sulidae

191. Northern Gannet  ·  Jan-van-gent  ·  Morus bassanus
192. Red-footed Booby  ·  Roodpootgent  ·  Sula sula
193. Brown Booby  ·  Bruine Gent  ·  Sula leucogaster
194. Masked Booby  ·  Maskergent  ·  Sula dactylatra

aalscholvers  ·  Phalacrocoracidae

195. Pygmy Cormorant  ·  Dwergaalscholver  ·  Microcarbo pygmaeus
196. European Shag  ·  Kuifaalscholver  ·  Gulosus aristotelis
197. Great Cormorant  ·  Aalscholver  ·  Phalacrocorax carbo
198. Socotra Cormorant  ·  Arabische Aalscholver  ·  Phalacrocorax nigrogularis


grielen  ·  Burhinidae

199. Eurasian Stone-curlew  ·  Griel  ·  Burhinus oedicnemus
200. Senegal Thick-knee  ·  Senegalese Griel  ·  Burhinus senegalensis
201. Spotted Thick-knee  ·  Kaapse Griel  ·  Burhinus capensis
202. Great Stone-curlew  ·  Grote Griel  ·  Esacus recurvirostris

scholeksters  ·  Haematopodidae

203. Eurasian Oystercatcher  ·  Scholekster  ·  Haematopus ostralegus

kluten  ·  Recurvirostridae

204. Black-winged Stilt  ·  Steltkluut  ·  Himantopus himantopus
205. Pied Avocet  ·  Kluut  ·  Recurvirostra avosetta

plevieren  ·  Charadriidae

206. Grey Plover  ·  Zilverplevier  ·  Pluvialis squatarola
207. European Golden Plover  ·  Goudplevier  ·  Pluvialis apricaria
208. American Golden Plover  ·  Amerikaanse Goudplevier  ·  Pluvialis dominica
209. Pacific Golden Plover  ·  Aziatische Goudplevier  ·  Pluvialis fulva
210. Eurasian Dotterel  ·  Morinelplevier  ·  Charadrius morinellus
211. Common Ringed Plover  ·  Bontbekplevier  ·  Charadrius hiaticula
212. Little Ringed Plover  ·  Kleine Plevier  ·  Charadrius dubius
213. Spur-winged Lapwing  ·  Sporenkievit  ·  Vanellus spinosus
214. Red-wattled Lapwing  ·  Indische Kievit  ·  Vanellus indicus
215. Sociable Lapwing  ·  Steppekievit  ·  Vanellus gregarius
216. White-tailed Lapwing  ·  Witstaartkievit  ·  Vanellus leucurus
217. Northern Lapwing  ·  Kievit  ·  Vanellus vanellus
218. Caspian Plover  ·  Kaspische Plevier  ·  Anarhynchus asiaticus
219. Oriental Plover  ·  Steppeplevier  ·  Anarhynchus veredus
220. Greater Sand Plover  ·  Woestijnplevier  ·  Anarhynchus leschenaultii
221. Siberian Sand Plover  ·  Mongoolse Plevier  ·  Anarhynchus mongolus
222. Kentish Plover  ·  Strandplevier  ·  Anarhynchus alexandrinus

jacana's  ·  Jacanidae

223. Pheasant-tailed Jacana  ·  Waterfazant  ·  Hydrophasianus chirurgus

strandlopers  ·  Scolopacidae

224. Upland Sandpiper  ·  Bartrams Ruiter  ·  Bartramia longicauda
225. Little Curlew  ·  Kleine Regenwulp  ·  Numenius minutus
226. Eurasian Whimbrel  ·  Regenwulp  ·  Numenius phaeopus
227. Slender-billed Curlew  ·  Dunbekwulp  ·  Numenius tenuirostris
228. Eurasian Curlew  ·  Wulp  ·  Numenius arquata
229. Black-tailed Godwit  ·  Grutto  ·  Limosa limosa
230. Bar-tailed Godwit  ·  Rosse Grutto  ·  Limosa lapponica
231. Ruddy Turnstone  ·  Steenloper  ·  Arenaria interpres
232. Great Knot  ·  Grote Kanoet  ·  Calidris tenuirostris
233. Red Knot  ·  Kanoet  ·  Calidris canutus
234. Ruff  ·  Kemphaan  ·  Calidris pugnax
235. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper  ·  Siberische Strandloper  ·  Calidris acuminata
236. Broad-billed Sandpiper  ·  Breedbekstrandloper  ·  Calidris falcinellus
237. Curlew Sandpiper  ·  Krombekstrandloper  ·  Calidris ferruginea
238. Stilt Sandpiper  ·  Steltstrandloper  ·  Calidris himantopus
239. Red-necked Stint  ·  Roodkeelstrandloper  ·  Calidris ruficollis
240. Long-toed Stint  ·  Taigastrandloper  ·  Calidris subminuta
241. Temminck's Stint  ·  Temmincks Strandloper  ·  Calidris temminckii
242. Sanderling  ·  Drieteenstrandloper  ·  Calidris alba
243. Dunlin  ·  Bonte Strandloper  ·  Calidris alpina
244. Purple Sandpiper  ·  Paarse Strandloper  ·  Calidris maritima
245. Baird's Sandpiper  ·  Bairds Strandloper  ·  Calidris bairdii
246. Little Stint  ·  Kleine Strandloper  ·  Calidris minuta
247. White-rumped Sandpiper  ·  Bonapartes Strandloper  ·  Calidris fuscicollis
248. Least Sandpiper  ·  Kleinste Strandloper  ·  Calidris minutilla
249. Buff-breasted Sandpiper  ·  Blonde Ruiter  ·  Calidris subruficollis
250. Pectoral Sandpiper  ·  Gestreepte Strandloper  ·  Calidris melanotos
251. Semipalmated Sandpiper  ·  Grijze Strandloper  ·  Calidris pusilla
252. Wilson's Phalarope  ·  Grote Franjepoot  ·  Phalaropus tricolor
253. Red-necked Phalarope  ·  Grauwe Franjepoot  ·  Phalaropus lobatus
254. Red Phalarope  ·  Rosse Franjepoot  ·  Phalaropus fulicarius
255. Terek Sandpiper  ·  Terekruiter  ·  Xenus cinereus
256. Common Sandpiper  ·  Oeverloper  ·  Actitis hypoleucos
257. Spotted Sandpiper  ·  Amerikaanse Oeverloper  ·  Actitis macularius
258. Green Sandpiper  ·  Witgat  ·  Tringa ochropus
259. Solitary Sandpiper  ·  Amerikaanse Bosruiter  ·  Tringa solitaria
260. Spotted Redshank  ·  Zwarte Ruiter  ·  Tringa erythropus
261. Greater Yellowlegs  ·  Grote Geelpootruiter  ·  Tringa melanoleuca
262. Common Greenshank  ·  Groenpootruiter  ·  Tringa nebularia
263. Lesser Yellowlegs  ·  Kleine Geelpootruiter  ·  Tringa flavipes
264. Marsh Sandpiper  ·  Poelruiter  ·  Tringa stagnatilis
265. Wood Sandpiper  ·  Bosruiter  ·  Tringa glareola
266. Common Redshank  ·  Tureluur  ·  Tringa totanus
267. Jack Snipe  ·  Bokje  ·  Lymnocryptes minimus
268. Long-billed Dowitcher  ·  Grote Grijze Snip  ·  Limnodromus scolopaceus
269. Eurasian Woodcock  ·  Houtsnip  ·  Scolopax rusticola
270. Common Snipe  ·  Watersnip  ·  Gallinago gallinago
271. Wilson's Snipe  ·  Amerikaanse Watersnip  ·  Gallinago delicata
272. Great Snipe  ·  Poelsnip  ·  Gallinago media

krabplevieren  ·  Dromadidae

273. Crab-plover  ·  Krabplevier  ·  Dromas ardeola

vorkstaartplevieren  ·  Glareolidae

274. Collared Pratincole  ·  Vorkstaartplevier  ·  Glareola pratincola
275. Oriental Pratincole  ·  Oosterse Vorkstaartplevier  ·  Glareola maldivarum
276. Black-winged Pratincole  ·  Steppevorkstaartplevier  ·  Glareola nordmanni
277. Cream-colored Courser  ·  Renvogel  ·  Cursorius cursor

alken  ·  Alcidae

278. Atlantic Puffin  ·  Papegaaiduiker  ·  Fratercula arctica
279. Black Guillemot  ·  Zwarte Zeekoet  ·  Cepphus grylle
280. Razorbill  ·  Alk  ·  Alca torda
281. Little Auk  ·  Kleine Alk  ·  Alle alle
282. Thick-billed Murre  ·  Kortbekzeekoet  ·  Uria lomvia
283. Common Murre  ·  Zeekoet  ·  Uria aalge

jagers  ·  Stercorariidae

284. Long-tailed Jaeger  ·  Kleinste Jager  ·  Stercorarius longicaudus
285. Parasitic Jaeger  ·  Kleine Jager  ·  Stercorarius parasiticus
286. Pomarine Jaeger  ·  Middelste Jager  ·  Stercorarius pomarinus
287. Great Skua  ·  Grote Jager  ·  Stercorarius skua

meeuwen  ·  Laridae

288. Black-legged Kittiwake  ·  Drieteenmeeuw  ·  Rissa tridactyla
289. Ivory Gull  ·  Ivoormeeuw  ·  Pagophila eburnea
290. Sabine's Gull  ·  Vorkstaartmeeuw  ·  Xema sabini
291. Slender-billed Gull  ·  Dunbekmeeuw  ·  Chroicocephalus genei
292. Bonaparte's Gull  ·  Kleine Kokmeeuw  ·  Chroicocephalus philadelphia
293. Black-headed Gull  ·  Kokmeeuw  ·  Chroicocephalus ridibundus
294. Little Gull  ·  Dwergmeeuw  ·  Hydrocoloeus minutus
295. Ross's Gull  ·  Ross' Meeuw  ·  Rhodostethia rosea
296. Laughing Gull  ·  Lachmeeuw  ·  Larus atricilla
297. Franklin's Gull  ·  Franklins Meeuw  ·  Larus pipixcan
298. Mediterranean Gull  ·  Zwartkopmeeuw  ·  Larus melanocephalus
299. Audouin's Gull  ·  Audouins Meeuw  ·  Larus audouinii
300. White-eyed Gull  ·  Witoogmeeuw  ·  Larus leucophthalmus
301. Sooty Gull  ·  Hemprichs Meeuw  ·  Larus hemprichii
302. Pallas's Gull  ·  Reuzenzwartkopmeeuw  ·  Larus ichthyaetus
303. Common Gull  ·  Stormmeeuw  ·  Larus canus
304. Ring-billed Gull  ·  Ringsnavelmeeuw  ·  Larus delawarensis
305. Lesser Black-backed Gull  ·  Kleine Mantelmeeuw  ·  Larus fuscus
306. Heuglin's Gull  ·  Heuglins Meeuw  ·  Larus heuglini
307. Steppe Gull  ·  Barabameeuw  ·  Larus barabensis
308. European Herring Gull  ·  Zilvermeeuw  ·  Larus argentatus
309. Armenian Gull  ·  Armeense Meeuw  ·  Larus armenicus
310. Yellow-legged Gull  ·  Geelpootmeeuw  ·  Larus michahellis
311. Caspian Gull  ·  Pontische Meeuw  ·  Larus cachinnans
312. Thayer's Gull  ·  Thayers Meeuw  ·  Larus thayeri
313. Iceland Gull  ·  Kleine Burgemeester  ·  Larus glaucoides
314. Glaucous Gull  ·  Grote Burgemeester  ·  Larus hyperboreus
315. Great Black-backed Gull  ·  Grote Mantelmeeuw  ·  Larus marinus
316. Bridled Tern  ·  Brilstern  ·  Onychoprion anaethetus
317. Little Tern  ·  Dwergstern  ·  Sternula albifrons
318. Saunders's Tern  ·  Saunders' Dwergstern  ·  Sternula saundersi
319. Gull-billed Tern  ·  Lachstern  ·  Gelochelidon nilotica
320. Caspian Tern  ·  Reuzenstern  ·  Hydroprogne caspia
321. Whiskered Tern  ·  Witwangstern  ·  Chlidonias hybrida
322. White-winged Tern  ·  Witvleugelstern  ·  Chlidonias leucopterus
323. Black Tern  ·  Zwarte Stern  ·  Chlidonias niger
324. Roseate Tern  ·  Dougalls Stern  ·  Sterna dougallii
325. Common Tern  ·  Visdief  ·  Sterna hirundo
326. White-cheeked Tern  ·  Arabische Stern  ·  Sterna repressa
327. Arctic Tern  ·  Noordse Stern  ·  Sterna paradisaea
328. Forster's Tern  ·  Forsters Stern  ·  Sterna forsteri
329. Lesser Crested Tern  ·  Bengaalse Stern  ·  Sterna bengalensis
330. Elegant Tern  ·  Sierlijke Stern  ·  Sterna elegans
331. Sandwich Tern  ·  Grote Stern  ·  Sterna sandvicensis
332. Greater Crested Tern  ·  Grote Kuifstern  ·  Sterna bergii


visarenden  ·  Pandionidae

333. Western Osprey  ·  Visarend  ·  Pandion haliaetus

sperwers  ·  Accipitridae

334. Black-winged Kite  ·  Grijze Wouw  ·  Elanus caeruleus
335. European Honey Buzzard  ·  Wespendief  ·  Pernis apivorus
336. Crested Honey Buzzard  ·  Aziatische Wespendief  ·  Pernis ptilorhynchus
337. Bearded Vulture  ·  Lammergier  ·  Gypaetus barbatus
338. Egyptian Vulture  ·  Aasgier  ·  Neophron percnopterus
339. Short-toed Snake Eagle  ·  Slangenarend  ·  Circaetus gallicus
340. Griffon Vulture  ·  Vale Gier  ·  Gyps fulvus
341. Cinereous Vulture  ·  Monniksgier  ·  Aegypius monachus
342. Lesser Spotted Eagle  ·  Schreeuwarend  ·  Clanga pomarina
343. Greater Spotted Eagle  ·  Bastaardarend  ·  Clanga clanga
344. Booted Eagle  ·  Dwergarend  ·  Aquila pennata
345. Tawny Eagle  ·  Savannearend  ·  Aquila rapax
346. Steppe Eagle  ·  Steppearend  ·  Aquila nipalensis
347. Spanish Imperial Eagle  ·  Spaanse Keizerarend  ·  Aquila adalberti
348. Eastern Imperial Eagle  ·  Keizerarend  ·  Aquila heliaca
349. Golden Eagle  ·  Steenarend  ·  Aquila chrysaetos
350. Verreaux's Eagle  ·  Zwarte Arend  ·  Aquila verreauxii
351. Bonelli's Eagle  ·  Havikarend  ·  Aquila fasciata
352. Western Marsh Harrier  ·  Bruine Kiekendief  ·  Circus aeruginosus
353. Hen Harrier  ·  Blauwe Kiekendief  ·  Circus cyaneus
354. Pallid Harrier  ·  Steppekiekendief  ·  Circus macrourus
355. Montagu's Harrier  ·  Grauwe Kiekendief  ·  Circus pygargus
356. Shikra  ·  Shikra  ·  Accipiter badius
357. Levant Sparrowhawk  ·  Balkansperwer  ·  Accipiter brevipes
358. Eurasian Sparrowhawk  ·  Sperwer  ·  Accipiter nisus
359. Northern Goshawk  ·  Havik  ·  Accipiter gentilis
360. Pallas's Fish Eagle  ·  Witbandzeearend  ·  Haliaeetus leucoryphus
361. White-tailed Eagle  ·  Zeearend  ·  Haliaeetus albicilla
362. Red Kite  ·  Rode Wouw  ·  Milvus milvus
363. Black Kite  ·  Zwarte Wouw  ·  Milvus migrans
364. Yellow-billed Kite  ·  Geelsnavelwouw  ·  Milvus aegyptius
365. Rough-legged Buzzard  ·  Ruigpootbuizerd  ·  Buteo lagopus
366. Common Buzzard  ·  Buizerd  ·  Buteo buteo
367. Cape Verde Buzzard  ·  Kaapverdische Buizerd  ·  Buteo bannermani
368. Long-legged Buzzard  ·  Arendbuizerd  ·  Buteo rufinus
369. North Africa Buzzard  ·  Atlasbuizerd  ·  Buteo cirtensis


kerkuilen  ·  Tytonidae

370. Common Barn Owl  ·  Kerkuil  ·  Tyto alba
371. Slender-billed Barn Owl  ·  Dunbekkerkuil  ·  Tyto gracilirostris
372. Madeira Barn Owl  ·  Madeirakerkuil  ·  Tyto schmitzi
373. Cape Verde Barn Owl  ·  Kaapverdische Kerkuil  ·  Tyto detorta

uilen  ·  Strigidae

374. Northern Hawk-Owl  ·  Sperweruil  ·  Surnia ulula
375. Eurasian Pygmy Owl  ·  Dwerguil  ·  Glaucidium passerinum
376. Little Owl  ·  Steenuil  ·  Athene vidalii
377. Cucumiau  ·  Kokomiau  ·  Athene noctua
378. Spotted Owlet  ·  Brahmaanse Steenuil  ·  Athene brama
379. Tengmalm’s Owl  ·  Ruigpootuil  ·  Aegolius funereus
380. Eurasian Scops Owl  ·  Dwergooruil  ·  Otus scops
381. Pallid Scops Owl  ·  Gestreepte Dwergooruil  ·  Otus brucei
382. Arabian Scops Owl  ·  Arabische Dwergooruil  ·  Otus pamelae
383. Long-eared Owl  ·  Ransuil  ·  Asio otus
384. Short-eared Owl  ·  Velduil  ·  Asio flammeus
385. Marsh Owl  ·  Afrikaanse Velduil  ·  Asio capensis
386. Tawny Owl  ·  Bosuil  ·  Strix aluco
387. Desert Owl  ·  Palestijnse Bosuil  ·  Strix hadorami
388. Ural Owl  ·  Oeraluil  ·  Strix uralensis
389. Lapland Owl  ·  Laplanduil  ·  Strix lapponica
390. Snowy Owl  ·  Sneeuwuil  ·  Bubo scandiacus
391. Eurasian Eagle-Owl  ·  Oehoe  ·  Bubo bubo
392. Pharaoh Eagle-Owl  ·  Woestijnoehoe  ·  Bubo ascalaphus


hoppen  ·  Upupidae

393. Eurasian Hoopoe  ·  Hop  ·  Upupa epops


bijeneters  ·  Meropidae

394. Asian Green Bee-eater  ·  Aziatische Kleine Groene Bijeneter  ·  Merops orientalis
395. Arabian Green Bee-eater  ·  Arabische Kleine Groene Bijeneter  ·  Merops cyanophrys
396. African Green Bee-eater  ·  Afrikaanse Kleine Groene Bijeneter  ·  Merops viridissimus
397. European Bee-eater  ·  Bijeneter  ·  Merops apiaster
398. Blue-cheeked Bee-eater  ·  Groene Bijeneter  ·  Merops persicus

scharrelaars  ·  Coraciidae

399. Indian Roller  ·  Indische Scharrelaar  ·  Coracias benghalensis
400. European Roller  ·  Scharrelaar  ·  Coracias garrulus

ijsvogels  ·  Alcedinidae

401. Malachite Kingfisher  ·  Malachietijsvogel  ·  Corythornis cristatus
402. Common Kingfisher  ·  IJsvogel  ·  Alcedo atthis
403. Pied Kingfisher  ·  Bonte IJsvogel  ·  Ceryle rudis
404. White-throated Kingfisher  ·  Smyrnaijsvogel  ·  Halcyon smyrnensis
405. Grey-headed Kingfisher  ·  Grijskopijsvogel  ·  Halcyon leucocephala
406. Collared Kingfisher  ·  Witkraagijsvogel  ·  Todiramphus chloris


spechten  ·  Picidae

407. Eurasian Wryneck  ·  Draaihals  ·  Jynx torquilla
408. Grey-headed Woodpecker  ·  Grijskopspecht  ·  Picus canus
409. European Green Woodpecker  ·  Groene Specht  ·  Picus viridis
410. Iberian Green Woodpecker  ·  Iberische Groene Specht  ·  Picus sharpei
411. Levaillant's Woodpecker  ·  Levaillants Specht  ·  Picus vaillantii
412. Black Woodpecker  ·  Zwarte Specht  ·  Dryocopus martius
413. Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker  ·  Drieteenspecht  ·  Picoides tridactylus
414. Middle Spotted Woodpecker  ·  Middelste Bonte Specht  ·  Dendropicos medius
415. Great Spotted Woodpecker  ·  Grote Bonte Specht  ·  Dendrocopos major
416. Syrian Woodpecker  ·  Syrische Bonte Specht  ·  Dendrocopos syriacus
417. Sind Woodpecker  ·  Tamariskspecht  ·  Dendrocopos assimilis
418. White-backed Woodpecker  ·  Witrugspecht  ·  Dendrocopos leucotos
419. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker  ·  Kleine Bonte Specht  ·  Dryobates minor


valken  ·  Falconidae

420. Lesser Kestrel  ·  Kleine Torenvalk  ·  Falco naumanni
421. Common Kestrel  ·  Torenvalk  ·  Falco tinnunculus
422. Alexander's Kestrel  ·  Alexanders Torenvalk  ·  Falco alexandri
423. Red-footed Falcon  ·  Roodpootvalk  ·  Falco vespertinus
424. Eleonora's Falcon  ·  Eleonora's Valk  ·  Falco eleonorae
425. Merlin  ·  Smelleken  ·  Falco columbarius
426. Eurasian Hobby  ·  Boomvalk  ·  Falco subbuteo
427. Lanner Falcon  ·  Lannervalk  ·  Falco biarmicus
428. Saker Falcon  ·  Sakervalk  ·  Falco cherrug
429. Gyrfalcon  ·  Giervalk  ·  Falco rusticolus
430. Peregrine Falcon  ·  Slechtvalk  ·  Falco peregrinus


parkieten  ·  Psittaculidae

431. Rose-ringed Parakeet  ·  Halsbandparkiet  ·  Psittacula krameri


bosklauwieren  ·  Malaconotidae

432. Black-crowned Tchagra  ·  Zwartkruintsjagra  ·  Tchagra senegalus
433. Arabian Tchagra  ·  Arabische Tsjagra  ·  Tchagra percivali

vireo's  ·  Vireonidae

434. Red-eyed Vireo  ·  Roodoogvireo  ·  Vireo olivaceus

wielewalen  ·  Oriolidae

435. Eurasian Golden Oriole  ·  Wielewaal  ·  Oriolus oriolus

klauwieren  ·  Laniidae

436. Brown Shrike  ·  Bruine Klauwier  ·  Lanius cristatus
437. Red-backed Shrike  ·  Grauwe Klauwier  ·  Lanius collurio
438. Red-tailed Shrike  ·  Turkestaanse Klauwier  ·  Lanius phoenicuroides
439. Daurian Shrike  ·  Daurische Klauwier  ·  Lanius isabellinus
440. Bay-backed Shrike  ·  Bruinrugklauwier  ·  Lanius vittatus
441. Long-tailed Shrike  ·  Langstaartklauwier  ·  Lanius schach
442. Lesser Grey Shrike  ·  Kleine Klapekster  ·  Lanius minor
443. Iberian Grey Shrike  ·  Iberische Klapekster  ·  Lanius meridionalis
444. Desert Grey Shrike  ·  Woestijnklapekster  ·  Lanius elegans
445. Great Grey Shrike  ·  Klapekster  ·  Lanius excubitor
446. Asian Grey Shrike  ·  Aziatische Klapekster  ·  Lanius lahtora
447. Woodchat Shrike  ·  Roodkopklauwier  ·  Lanius senator
448. Masked Shrike  ·  Maskerklauwier  ·  Lanius nubicus

monarchen  ·  Monarchidae

449. African Paradise Flycatcher  ·  Afrikaanse Paradijsmonarch  ·  Terpsiphone viridis

kraaien  ·  Corvidae

450. Alpine Chough  ·  Alpenkauw  ·  Pyrrhocorax graculus
451. Red-billed Chough  ·  Alpenkraai  ·  Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
452. Iberian Magpie  ·  Blauwe Ekster  ·  Cyanopica cooki
453. Eurasian Magpie  ·  Ekster  ·  Pica pica
454. Maghreb Magpie  ·  Maghrebekster  ·  Pica mauritanica
455. Eurasian Jay  ·  Gaai  ·  Garrulus glandarius
456. Siberian Jay  ·  Taigagaai  ·  Perisoreus infaustus
457. Iranian Ground Jay  ·  Perzische Steppegaai  ·  Podoces pleskei
458. Spotted Nutcracker  ·  Notenkraker  ·  Nucifraga caryocatactes
459. Western Jackdaw  ·  Kauw  ·  Corvus monedula
460. Daurian Jackdaw  ·  Daurische Kauw  ·  Corvus dauuricus
461. House Crow  ·  Huiskraai  ·  Corvus splendens
462. Rook  ·  Roek  ·  Corvus frugilegus
463. Carrion Crow  ·  Zwarte Kraai  ·  Corvus corone
464. Mesopotamian Crow  ·  Mesopotamische Kraai  ·  Corvus capellanus
465. Hooded Crow  ·  Bonte Kraai  ·  Corvus cornix
466. Brown-necked Raven  ·  Bruinnekraaf  ·  Corvus ruficollis
467. Northern Raven  ·  Raaf  ·  Corvus corax
468. Fan-tailed Raven  ·  Waaierstaartraaf  ·  Corvus rhipidurus

goudhanen  ·  Regulidae

469. Goldcrest  ·  Goudhaan  ·  Regulus regulus
470. Canary Islands Kinglet  ·  Canarische Goudhaan  ·  Regulus teneriffae
471. Common Firecrest  ·  Vuurgoudhaan  ·  Regulus ignicapilla
472. Madeira Firecrest  ·  Madeiragoudhaan  ·  Regulus madeirensis

buidelmezen  ·  Remizidae

473. Eurasian Penduline Tit  ·  Buidelmees  ·  Remiz pendulinus

mezen  ·  Paridae

474. Tenerife Blue Tit  ·  Tenerifepimpelmees  ·  Cyanistes teneriffae
475. Hierro Blue Tit  ·  Hierropimpelmees  ·  Cyanistes ombriosus
476. Gran Canaria Blue Tit  ·  Gran-Canariapimpelmees  ·  Cyanistes hedwigae
477. Ultramarine Tit  ·  Maghrebpimpelmees  ·  Cyanistes ultramarinus
478. Eurasian Blue Tit  ·  Pimpelmees  ·  Cyanistes caeruleus
479. Great Tit  ·  Koolmees  ·  Parus major
480. European Crested Tit  ·  Kuifmees  ·  Lophophanes cristatus
481. Eurasian Coal Tit  ·  Zwarte Mees  ·  Periparus ater
482. Sombre Tit  ·  Rouwmees  ·  Poecile lugubris
483. Willow Tit  ·  Matkop  ·  Poecile montanus
484. Marsh Tit  ·  Glanskop  ·  Poecile palustris
485. Grey-headed Chickadee  ·  Bruinkopmees  ·  Poecile cinctus

baardmannen  ·  Panuridae

486. Bearded Reedling  ·  Baardman  ·  Panurus biarmicus

leeuweriken  ·  Alaudidae

487. Greater Hoopoe-Lark  ·  Witbandleeuwerik  ·  Alaemon alaudipes
488. Thick-billed Lark  ·  Diksnavelleeuwerik  ·  Ramphocoris clotbey
489. Bar-tailed Lark  ·  Rosse Woestijnleeuwerik  ·  Ammomanes cinctura
490. Desert Lark  ·  Woestijnleeuwerik  ·  Ammomanes deserti
491. Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark  ·  Zwartkruinvinkleeuwerik  ·  Eremopterix nigriceps
492. Woodlark  ·  Boomleeuwerik  ·  Lullula arborea
493. Eurasian Skylark  ·  Veldleeuwerik  ·  Alauda arvensis
494. Oriental Skylark  ·  Kleine Veldleeuwerik  ·  Alauda gulgula
495. Raso Lark  ·  Razoleeuwerik  ·  Alauda razae
496. Thekla's Lark  ·  Thekla's Leeuwerik  ·  Galerida theklae
497. Crested Lark  ·  Kuifleeuwerik  ·  Galerida cristata
498. Maghreb Lark  ·  Langsnavelkuifleeuwerik  ·  Galerida macrorhyncha
499. Atlas Horned Lark  ·  Atlasstrandleeuwerik  ·  Eremophila atlas
500. Caucasian Horned Lark  ·  Kaukasische Strandleeuwerik  ·  Eremophila penicillata
501. Shorelark  ·  Strandleeuwerik  ·  Eremophila flava
502. Temminck's Lark  ·  Temmincks Strandleeuwerik  ·  Eremophila bilopha
503. Greater Short-toed Lark  ·  Kortteenleeuwerik  ·  Calandrella brachydactyla
504. Bimaculated Lark  ·  Bergkalanderleeuwerik  ·  Melanocorypha bimaculata
505. Calandra Lark  ·  Kalanderleeuwerik  ·  Melanocorypha calandra
506. Horsfield's Bush Lark  ·  Oosterse Struikleeuwerik  ·  Mirafra javanica
507. Dupont's Lark  ·  Duponts Leeuwerik  ·  Chersophilus duponti
508. African Dunn's Lark  ·  Afrikaanse Dunns Leeuwerik  ·  Eremalauda dunni
509. Mediterranean Short-toed Lark  ·  Kleine Kortteenleeuwerik  ·  Alaudala rufescens
510. Turkestan Short-toed Lark  ·  Heines Kortteenleeuwerik  ·  Alaudala heinei
511. Sand Lark  ·  Indische Zandleeuwerik  ·  Alaudala raytal

zwaluwen  ·  Hirundinidae

512. Brown-throated Martin  ·  Vale Oeverzwaluw  ·  Riparia paludicola
513. Sand Martin  ·  Oeverzwaluw  ·  Riparia riparia
514. Eurasian Crag Martin  ·  Rotszwaluw  ·  Ptyonoprogne rupestris
515. Pale Crag Martin  ·  Vale Rotszwaluw  ·  Ptyonoprogne obsoleta
516. Barn Swallow  ·  Boerenzwaluw  ·  Hirundo rustica
517. Common House Martin  ·  Huiszwaluw  ·  Delichon urbicum
518. Red-rumped Swallow  ·  Roodstuitzwaluw  ·  Cecropis daurica

buulbuuls  ·  Pycnonotidae

519. White-eared Bulbul  ·  Witoorbuulbuul  ·  Pycnonotus leucotis
520. White-spectacled Bulbul  ·  Arabische Buulbuul  ·  Pycnonotus xanthopygos
521. Common Bulbul  ·  Grauwe Buulbuul  ·  Pycnonotus barbatus

woestijnzangers  ·  Scotocercidae

522. Levant Scrub Warbler  ·  Levantwoestijnzanger  ·  Scotocerca inquieta
523. Saharan Scrub Warbler  ·  Saharawoestijnzanger  ·  Scotocerca saharae
524. Striated Scrub Warbler  ·  Gestreepte Woestijnzanger  ·  Scotocerca striata

struikzangers  ·  Cettiidae

525. Cetti's Warbler  ·  Cetti's Zanger  ·  Cettia cetti

staartmezen  ·  Aegithalidae

526. Long-tailed Tit  ·  Staartmees  ·  Aegithalos caudatus

babbelaars  ·  Leiothrichidae

527. Afghan Babbler  ·  Afghaanse Babbelaar  ·  Argya huttoni
528. Arabian Babbler  ·  Arabische Babbelaar  ·  Argya squamiceps
529. Fulvous Babbler  ·  Bruingele Babbelaar  ·  Argya fulva
530. Iraq Babbler  ·  Iraakse Babbelaar  ·  Argya altirostris

boszangers  ·  Phylloscopidae

531. Green Warbler  ·  Groene Fitis  ·  Phylloscopus nitidus
532. Two-barred Warbler  ·  Swinhoes Boszanger  ·  Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus
533. Greenish Warbler  ·  Grauwe Fitis  ·  Phylloscopus trochiloides
534. Arctic Warbler  ·  Noordse Boszanger  ·  Phylloscopus borealis
535. Pallas's Leaf Warbler  ·  Pallas' Boszanger  ·  Phylloscopus proregulus
536. Yellow-browed Warbler  ·  Bladkoning  ·  Phylloscopus inornatus
537. Hume's Leaf Warbler  ·  Humes Bladkoning  ·  Phylloscopus humei
538. Radde's Warbler  ·  Raddes Boszanger  ·  Phylloscopus schwarzi
539. Dusky Warbler  ·  Bruine Boszanger  ·  Phylloscopus fuscatus
540. Western Bonelli's Warbler  ·  Bergfluiter  ·  Phylloscopus bonelli
541. Eastern Bonelli's Warbler  ·  Balkanbergfluiter  ·  Phylloscopus orientalis
542. Wood Warbler  ·  Fluiter  ·  Phylloscopus sibilatrix
543. Plain Leaf Warbler  ·  Dwergtjiftjaf  ·  Phylloscopus neglectus
544. Caucasian Mountain Chiffchaff  ·  Kaukasische Bergtjiftjaf  ·  Phylloscopus lorenzii
545. Common Chiffchaff  ·  Tjiftjaf  ·  Phylloscopus collybita
546. Siberian Chiffchaff  ·  Siberische Tjiftjaf  ·  Phylloscopus tristis
547. Iberian Chiffchaff  ·  Iberische Tjiftjaf  ·  Phylloscopus ibericus
548. Willow Warbler  ·  Fitis  ·  Phylloscopus trochilus
549. Canary Islands Chiffchaff  ·  Canarische Tjiftjaf  ·  Phylloscopus canariensis

grasmussen  ·  Sylviidae

550. Eurasian Blackcap  ·  Zwartkop  ·  Sylvia atricapilla
551. Garden Warbler  ·  Tuinfluiter  ·  Sylvia borin
552. African Desert Warbler  ·  Afrikaanse Woestijngrasmus  ·  Sylvia deserti
553. Asian Desert Warbler  ·  Woestijngrasmus  ·  Sylvia nana
554. Barred Warbler  ·  Sperwergrasmus  ·  Sylvia nisoria
555. Hume's Whitethroat  ·  Humes Braamsluiper  ·  Sylvia althaea
556. Lesser Whitethroat  ·  Braamsluiper  ·  Sylvia curruca
557. Arabian Warbler  ·  Arabische Zwartkop  ·  Sylvia leucomelaena
558. Western Orphean Warbler  ·  Westelijke Orpheusgrasmus  ·  Sylvia hortensis
559. Eastern Orphean Warbler  ·  Oostelijke Orpheusgrasmus  ·  Sylvia crassirostris
560. Tristram's Warbler  ·  Atlasgrasmus  ·  Sylvia deserticola
561. Cyprus Warbler  ·  Cyprusgrasmus  ·  Sylvia melanothorax
562. Ménétriés's Warbler  ·  Ménétriés' Zwartkop  ·  Sylvia mystacea
563. Rüppell's Warbler  ·  Rüppells Grasmus  ·  Sylvia ruppeli
564. Sardinian Warbler  ·  Kleine Zwartkop  ·  Sylvia melanocephala
565. Moltoni's Warbler  ·  Moltoni's Baardgrasmus  ·  Sylvia subalpina
566. Western Subalpine Warbler  ·  Westelijke Baardgrasmus  ·  Sylvia iberiae
567. Eastern Subalpine Warbler  ·  Balkanbaardgrasmus  ·  Sylvia cantillans
568. Common Whitethroat  ·  Grasmus  ·  Sylvia communis
569. Spectacled Warbler  ·  Brilgrasmus  ·  Sylvia conspicillata
570. Marmora's Warbler  ·  Sardijnse Grasmus  ·  Sylvia sarda
571. Dartford Warbler  ·  Provençaalse Grasmus  ·  Sylvia undata
572. Balearic Warbler  ·  Balearische Grasmus  ·  Sylvia balearica

sprinkhaanzangers  ·  Locustellidae

573. Lanceolated Warbler  ·  Kleine Sprinkhaanzanger  ·  Locustella lanceolata
574. Common Grasshopper Warbler  ·  Sprinkhaanzanger  ·  Locustella naevia
575. River Warbler  ·  Krekelzanger  ·  Locustella fluviatilis
576. Savi's Warbler  ·  Snor  ·  Locustella luscinioides

rietzangers  ·  Acrocephalidae

577. Booted Warbler  ·  Kleine Spotvogel  ·  Iduna caligata
578. Sykes's Warbler  ·  Sykes' Spotvogel  ·  Iduna rama
579. Western Olivaceous Warbler  ·  Westelijke Vale Spotvogel  ·  Iduna opaca
580. Eastern Olivaceous Warbler  ·  Oostelijke Vale Spotvogel  ·  Iduna pallida
581. Upcher's Warbler  ·  Grote Vale Spotvogel  ·  Hippolais languida
582. Olive-tree Warbler  ·  Griekse Spotvogel  ·  Hippolais olivetorum
583. Icterine Warbler  ·  Spotvogel  ·  Hippolais icterina
584. Melodious Warbler  ·  Orpheusspotvogel  ·  Hippolais polyglotta
585. Great Reed Warbler  ·  Grote Karekiet  ·  Acrocephalus arundinaceus
586. Clamorous Reed Warbler  ·  Indische Karekiet  ·  Acrocephalus stentoreus
587. Cape Verde Warbler  ·  Kaapverdische Rietzanger  ·  Acrocephalus brevipennis
588. Blyth's Reed Warbler  ·  Struikrietzanger  ·  Acrocephalus dumetorum
589. Marsh Warbler  ·  Bosrietzanger  ·  Acrocephalus palustris
590. Eurasian Reed Warbler  ·  Kleine Karekiet  ·  Acrocephalus scirpaceus
591. Aquatic Warbler  ·  Waterrietzanger  ·  Acrocephalus paludicola
592. Sedge Warbler  ·  Rietzanger  ·  Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
593. Moustached Warbler  ·  Zwartkoprietzanger  ·  Acrocephalus melanopogon

graszangers  ·  Cisticolidae

594. Zitting Cisticola  ·  Graszanger  ·  Cisticola juncidis
595. Graceful Prinia  ·  Westelijke Gestreepte Prinia  ·  Prinia gracilis
596. Delicate Prinia  ·  Oostelijke Gestreepte Prinia  ·  Prinia lepida

pestvogels  ·  Bombycillidae

597. Bohemian Waxwing  ·  Pestvogel  ·  Bombycilla garrulus
598. Grey Hypocolius  ·  Zijdestaart  ·  Hypocolius ampelinus

rotskruipers  ·  Tichodromidae

599. Wallcreeper  ·  Rotskruiper  ·  Tichodroma muraria

boomklevers  ·  Sittidae

600. Krüper's Nuthatch  ·  Turkse Boomklever  ·  Sitta krueperi
601. Corsican Nuthatch  ·  Corsicaanse Boomklever  ·  Sitta whiteheadi
602. Eurasian Nuthatch  ·  Boomklever  ·  Sitta europaea
603. Eastern Rock Nuthatch  ·  Grote Rotsklever  ·  Sitta tephronota
604. Western Rock Nuthatch  ·  Rotsklever  ·  Sitta neumayer

boomkruipers  ·  Certhiidae

605. Eurasian Treecreeper  ·  Taigaboomkruiper  ·  Certhia familiaris
606. Short-toed Treecreeper  ·  Boomkruiper  ·  Certhia brachydactyla

brilvogels  ·  Zosteropidae

607. Abyssinian White-eye  ·  Somalische Brilvogel  ·  Zosterops abyssinicus

winterkoningen  ·  Troglodytidae

608. Eurasian Wren  ·  Winterkoning  ·  Nannus troglodytes

spotlijsters  ·  Mimidae

609. Northern Mockingbird  ·  Spotlijster  ·  Mimus polyglottos

spreeuwen  ·  Sturnidae

610. Common Myna  ·  Treurmaina  ·  Acridotheres tristis
611. Rosy Starling  ·  Roze Spreeuw  ·  Pastor roseus
612. Common Starling  ·  Spreeuw  ·  Sturnus vulgaris
613. Spotless Starling  ·  Zwarte Spreeuw  ·  Sturnus unicolor
614. Tristram's Starling  ·  Tristrams Spreeuw  ·  Onychognathus tristramii
615. White-cheeked Starling  ·  Grijze Spreeuw  ·  Spodiopsar cineraceus

honingzuigers  ·  Nectariniidae

616. Nile Valley Sunbird  ·  Nijlhoningzuiger  ·  Hedydipna metallica
617. Palestine Sunbird  ·  Palestijnse Honingzuiger  ·  Cinnyris osea
618. Arabian Sunbird  ·  Arabische Honingzuiger  ·  Cinnyris hellmayri
619. Shining Sunbird  ·  Glanshoningzuiger  ·  Cinnyris habessinicus
620. Purple Sunbird  ·  Purperhoningzuiger  ·  Cinnyris asiaticus

waterspreeuwen  ·  Cinclidae

621. White-throated Dipper  ·  Waterspreeuw  ·  Cinclus cinclus

lijsters  ·  Turdidae

622. White's Thrush  ·  Goudlijster  ·  Zoothera aurea
623. Grey-cheeked Thrush  ·  Grijswangdwerglijster  ·  Catharus minimus
624. Ring Ouzel  ·  Beflijster  ·  Turdus torquatus
625. Common Blackbird  ·  Merel  ·  Turdus merula
626. Eyebrowed Thrush  ·  Vale Lijster  ·  Turdus obscurus
627. Dusky Thrush  ·  Bruine Lijster  ·  Turdus eunomus
628. Black-throated Thrush  ·  Zwartkeellijster  ·  Turdus atrogularis
629. Fieldfare  ·  Kramsvogel  ·  Turdus pilaris
630. Song Thrush  ·  Zanglijster  ·  Turdus philomelos
631. Redwing  ·  Koperwiek  ·  Turdus iliacus
632. Mistle Thrush  ·  Grote Lijster  ·  Turdus viscivorus
633. American Robin  ·  Roodborstlijster  ·  Turdus migratorius

vliegenvangers  ·  Muscicapidae

634. Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin  ·  Rosse Waaierstaart  ·  Cercotrichas galactotes
635. Black Scrub Robin  ·  Zwarte Waaierstaart  ·  Cercotrichas podobe
636. Spotted Flycatcher  ·  Grauwe Vliegenvanger  ·  Muscicapa striata
637. Tyrrhenian Flycatcher  ·  Mediterrane Vliegenvanger  ·  Muscicapa tyrrhenica
638. European Robin  ·  Roodborst  ·  Erithacus rubecula
639. Tenerife Robin  ·  Teneriferoodborst  ·  Erithacus superbus
640. Gran Canaria Robin  ·  Gran-Canariaroodborst  ·  Erithacus marionae
641. White-throated Robin  ·  Perzische Roodborst  ·  Irania gutturalis
642. Thrush Nightingale  ·  Noordse Nachtegaal  ·  Luscinia luscinia
643. Common Nightingale  ·  Nachtegaal  ·  Luscinia megarhynchos
644. Bluethroat  ·  Blauwborst  ·  Luscinia svecica
645. Siberian Rubythroat  ·  Roodkeelnachtegaal  ·  Calliope calliope
646. Red-flanked Bluetail  ·  Blauwstaart  ·  Tarsiger cyanurus
647. Red-breasted Flycatcher  ·  Kleine Vliegenvanger  ·  Ficedula parva
648. Semicollared Flycatcher  ·  Balkanvliegenvanger  ·  Ficedula semitorquata
649. Collared Flycatcher  ·  Withalsvliegenvanger  ·  Ficedula albicollis
650. European Pied Flycatcher  ·  Bonte Vliegenvanger  ·  Ficedula hypoleuca
651. Black Redstart  ·  Zwarte Roodstaart  ·  Phoenicurus ochruros
652. Common Redstart  ·  Gekraagde Roodstaart  ·  Phoenicurus phoenicurus
653. Moussier's Redstart  ·  Diadeemroodstaart  ·  Phoenicurus moussieri
654. Common Rock Thrush  ·  Rode Rotslijster  ·  Monticola saxatilis
655. Blue Rock Thrush  ·  Blauwe Rotslijster  ·  Monticola solitarius
656. Whinchat  ·  Paapje  ·  Saxicola rubetra
657. Pied Bush Chat  ·  Zwarte Roodborsttapuit  ·  Saxicola caprata
658. Siberian Stonechat  ·  Aziatische Roodborsttapuit  ·  Saxicola maurus
659. Canary Islands Stonechat  ·  Canarische Roodborsttapuit  ·  Saxicola dacotiae
660. European Stonechat  ·  Roodborsttapuit  ·  Saxicola rubicola
661. Northern Wheatear  ·  Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe oenanthe
662. Seebohm's Wheatear  ·  Seebohms Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe seebohmi
663. Isabelline Wheatear  ·  Izabeltapuit  ·  Oenanthe isabellina
664. Desert Wheatear  ·  Woestijntapuit  ·  Oenanthe deserti
665. Hooded Wheatear  ·  Monnikstapuit  ·  Oenanthe monacha
666. Western Black-eared Wheatear  ·  Westelijke Blonde Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe hispanica
667. Eastern Black-eared Wheatear  ·  Oostelijke Blonde Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe melanoleuca
668. Cyprus Wheatear  ·  Cyprustapuit  ·  Oenanthe cypriaca
669. Pied Wheatear  ·  Bonte Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe pleschanka
670. Red-rumped Wheatear  ·  Roodstuittapuit  ·  Oenanthe moesta
671. Blackstart  ·  Zwartstaart  ·  Oenanthe melanura
672. Black Wheatear  ·  Zwarte Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe leucura
673. Hume's Wheatear  ·  Humes Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe albonigra
674. White-crowned Wheatear  ·  Witkruintapuit  ·  Oenanthe leucopyga
675. Finsch's Wheatear  ·  Finsch' Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe finschii
676. Maghreb Wheatear  ·  Westelijke Rouwtapuit  ·  Oenanthe halophila
677. Mourning Wheatear  ·  Oostelijke Rouwtapuit  ·  Oenanthe lugens
678. Basalt Wheatear  ·  Basalttapuit  ·  Oenanthe warriae
679. Arabian Wheatear  ·  Arabische Rouwtapuit  ·  Oenanthe lugentoides
680. Variable Wheatear  ·  Picatatapuit  ·  Oenanthe picata
681. Kurdistan Wheatear  ·  Koerdische Tapuit  ·  Oenanthe xanthoprymna
682. Red-tailed Wheatear  ·  Roodstaarttapuit  ·  Oenanthe chrysopygia

heggenmussen  ·  Prunellidae

683. Alpine Accentor  ·  Alpenheggenmus  ·  Prunella collaris
684. Northern Dunnock  ·  Heggenmus  ·  Prunella modularis
685. Iberian Dunnock  ·  Iberische Heggenmus  ·  Prunella mabbotti
686. Radde's Accentor  ·  Steenheggenmus  ·  Prunella ocularis

prachtvinken  ·  Estrildidae

687. Arabian Waxbill  ·  Jemenastrild  ·  Estrilda rufibarba

mussen  ·  Passeridae

688. House Sparrow  ·  Huismus  ·  Passer domesticus
689. Italian Sparrow  ·  Italiaanse Mus  ·  Passer italiae
690. Spanish Sparrow  ·  Spaanse Mus  ·  Passer hispaniolensis
691. Dead Sea Sparrow  ·  Moabmus  ·  Passer moabiticus
692. Iago Sparrow  ·  Kaapverdische Mus  ·  Passer iagoensis
693. Desert Sparrow  ·  Woestijnmus  ·  Passer simplex
694. Eurasian Tree Sparrow  ·  Ringmus  ·  Passer montanus
695. Pale Rockfinch  ·  Bleke Rotsmus  ·  Carpospiza brachydactyla
696. Yellow-throated Sparrow  ·  Indische Rotsmus  ·  Gymnoris xanthocollis
697. Rock Sparrow  ·  Rotsmus  ·  Petronia petronia
698. White-winged Snowfinch  ·  Sneeuwvink  ·  Montifringilla nivalis

wevers  ·  Ploceidae

699. Rüppell's Weaver  ·  Rüppells Wever  ·  Ploceus galbula

kwikstaarten  ·  Motacillidae

700. Forest Wagtail  ·  Boomkwikstaart  ·  Dendronanthus indicus
701. Yellow-crowned Wagtail  ·  Engelse Kwikstaart  ·  Motacilla flavissima
702. Yellow-headed Wagtail  ·  Kaspische Kwikstaart  ·  Motacilla lutea
703. Blue-headed Wagtail  ·  Gele Kwikstaart  ·  Motacilla flava
704. Grey-headed Wagtail  ·  Noordse Kwikstaart  ·  Motacilla thunbergi
705. White-throated Wagtail  ·  Witkeelkwikstaart  ·  Motacilla cinereocapilla
706. Black-headed Wagtail  ·  Balkankwikstaart  ·  Motacilla feldegg
707. Eastern Yellow Wagtail  ·  Oostelijke Gele Kwikstaart  ·  Motacilla tschutschensis
708. (Western) Citrine Wagtail  ·  Citroenkwikstaart  ·  Motacilla citreola
709. Grey Wagtail  ·  Grote Gele Kwikstaart  ·  Motacilla cinerea
710. Pied Wagtail  ·  Rouwkwikstaart  ·  Motacilla yarrellii
711. White Wagtail  ·  Witte Kwikstaart  ·  Motacilla alba
712. Richard's Pipit  ·  Grote Pieper  ·  Anthus richardi
713. Blyth's Pipit  ·  Mongoolse Pieper  ·  Anthus godlewskii
714. Tawny Pipit  ·  Duinpieper  ·  Anthus campestris
715. Berthelot's Pipit  ·  Berthelots Pieper  ·  Anthus berthelotii
716. Long-billed Pipit  ·  Langsnavelpieper  ·  Anthus similis
717. Olive-backed Pipit  ·  Siberische Boompieper  ·  Anthus hodgsoni
718. Tree Pipit  ·  Boompieper  ·  Anthus trivialis
719. Meadow Pipit  ·  Graspieper  ·  Anthus pratensis
720. Red-throated Pipit  ·  Roodkeelpieper  ·  Anthus cervinus
721. Buff-bellied Pipit  ·  Pacifische Waterpieper  ·  Anthus rubescens
722. European Rock Pipit  ·  Oeverpieper  ·  Anthus petrosus
723. Water Pipit  ·  Waterpieper  ·  Anthus spinoletta

vinken  ·  Fringillidae

724. Brambling  ·  Keep  ·  Fringilla montifringilla
725. Common Chaffinch  ·  Vink  ·  Fringilla coelebs
726. African Chaffinch  ·  Afrikaanse Vink  ·  Fringilla spodiogenys
727. Madeiran Chaffinch  ·  Madeiravink  ·  Fringilla maderensis
728. Canary Islands Chaffinch  ·  Canarische Vink  ·  Fringilla canariensis
729. Tenerife Blue Chaffinch  ·  Blauwe Vink  ·  Fringilla teydea
730. Hawfinch  ·  Appelvink  ·  Coccothraustes coccothraustes
731. Common Rosefinch  ·  Roodmus  ·  Erythrina erythrina
732. Sinai Rosefinch  ·  Sinaïroodmus  ·  Carpodacus synoicus
733. Pine Grosbeak  ·  Haakbek  ·  Pinicola enucleator
734. Eurasian Bullfinch  ·  Goudvink  ·  Pyrrhula pyrrhula
735. African Crimson-winged Finch  ·  Atlasbergvink  ·  Rhodopechys alienus
736. Asian Crimson-winged Finch  ·  Rode Bergvink  ·  Rhodopechys sanguineus
737. Trumpeter Finch  ·  Woestijnvink  ·  Bucanetes githagineus
738. Mongolian Finch  ·  Mongoolse Woestijnvink  ·  Bucanetes mongolicus
739. Desert Finch  ·  Vale Woestijnvink  ·  Rhodospiza obsoleta
740. European Greenfinch  ·  Groenling  ·  Chloris chloris
741. Common Linnet  ·  Kneu  ·  Linaria cannabina
742. Twite  ·  Frater  ·  Linaria flavirostris
743. Lesser Redpoll  ·  Kleine Barmsijs  ·  Acanthis cabaret
744. Mealy Redpoll  ·  Grote Barmsijs  ·  Acanthis flammea
745. Arctic Redpoll  ·  Witstuitbarmsijs  ·  Acanthis hornemanni
746. Two-barred Crossbill  ·  Witbandkruisbek  ·  Loxia leucoptera
747. Red Crossbill  ·  Kruisbek  ·  Loxia curvirostra
748. Parrot Crossbill  ·  Grote Kruisbek  ·  Loxia pytyopsittacus
749. European Goldfinch  ·  Putter  ·  Carduelis carduelis
750. Citril Finch  ·  Citroensijs  ·  Carduelis citrinella
751. Corsican Finch  ·  Corsicaanse Citroensijs  ·  Carduelis corsicanus
752. Atlantic Canary  ·  Kanarie  ·  Serinus canaria
753. European Serin  ·  Europese Kanarie  ·  Serinus serinus
754. Red-fronted Serin  ·  Roodvoorhoofdkanarie  ·  Serinus pusillus
755. Syrian Serin  ·  Syrische Kanarie  ·  Serinus syriacus
756. Yemen Serin  ·  Jemenitische Kanarie  ·  Crithagra menachensis
757. Eurasian Siskin  ·  Sijs  ·  Spinus spinus
758. Arabian Golden-winged Grosbeak  ·  Arabische Goudvleugelvink  ·  Rhynchostruthus percivali

gorzen  ·  Emberizidae

759. Snow Bunting  ·  Sneeuwgors  ·  Plectrophenax nivalis
760. Lapland Longspur  ·  IJsgors  ·  Calcarius lapponicus
761. Indigo Bunting  ·  Indigogors  ·  Passerina cyanea
762. Song Sparrow  ·  Zanggors  ·  Melospiza melodia
763. Dark-eyed Junco  ·  Grijze Junco  ·  Junco hyemalis
764. Red-headed Bunting  ·  Bruinkopgors  ·  Emberiza bruniceps
765. Black-headed Bunting  ·  Zwartkopgors  ·  Emberiza melanocephala
766. Corn Bunting  ·  Grauwe Gors  ·  Emberiza calandra
767. Rock Bunting  ·  Grijze Gors  ·  Emberiza cia
768. Grey-necked Bunting  ·  Steenortolaan  ·  Emberiza buchanani
769. Cinereous Bunting  ·  Smyrnagors  ·  Emberiza cineracea
770. Cretzschmar's Bunting  ·  Bruinkeelortolaan  ·  Emberiza caesia
771. Ortolan Bunting  ·  Ortolaan  ·  Emberiza hortulana
772. Cirl Bunting  ·  Cirlgors  ·  Emberiza cirlus
773. Yellowhammer  ·  Geelgors  ·  Emberiza citrinella
774. Pine Bunting  ·  Witkopgors  ·  Emberiza leucocephalos
775. House Bunting  ·  Huisgors  ·  Emberiza sahari
776. Striolated Bunting  ·  Gestreepte Gors  ·  Emberiza striolata
777. Cinnamon-breasted Bunting  ·  Zevenstrepengors  ·  Emberiza tahapisi
778. Common Reed Bunting  ·  Rietgors  ·  Emberiza schoeniclus
779. Yellow-breasted Bunting  ·  Wilgengors  ·  Emberiza aureola
780. Yellow-browed Bunting  ·  Geelbrauwgors  ·  Emberiza chrysophrys
781. Little Bunting  ·  Dwerggors  ·  Emberiza pusilla
782. Rustic Bunting  ·  Bosgors  ·  Emberiza rustica
783. Bobolink  ·  Bobolink  ·  Dolichonyx oryzivorus
784. Baltimore Oriole  ·  Baltimoretroepiaal  ·  Icterus galbula
785. Blackpoll Warbler  ·  Zwartkopzanger  ·  Setophaga striata
786. Myrtle Warbler  ·  Mirtezanger  ·  Setophaga coronata